Friday 20 April 2007

Email Newsletters: Surviving Inbox Congestion

Only two years have passed since our For almost any other topic, conducting a new study so soon would be a waste of time. because they depend on human nature, which tends to change at a rather glacial pace. Newsletters are one of the few exceptions to this rule because their environment -- the inbox -- grows ever more crowded each year.

To assess email newsletters' current usability, we conducted a new round of user research (described below). As it turned out, all of our original findings continue to hold. The 127 design guidelines from our previous newsletter report are still valid, though we refined some in light of the new research. The main change is in volume: we added more guidelines based on additional insights derived from eyetracking studies of how users process their inbox and read their newsletters. We now have for email newsletter usability.

Our main conclusion remains the same: Email newsletters are the best way to maintain customer relationships on the Internet.

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To read more articles on: design guideline, newsletter, email newsletter, newsletter report, additional

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